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December 06, 2016 1 min read

Relief of nerve pain/mild neuralgia and the temporary relief of migraine headache.

There are no words that can adequately describe the pain from migraine.

Interestingly, our most popular Facebook post was on the use of Amazing Oils for the symptomatic relief of migraine. We had over 2500 comments, over 3000 shares and over 5000 likes! We had, at the time, little awareness of how sufferers can lose whole days (and longer) from their lives, unable to do anything apart from lie quietly in a dark room.

What makes it worse is that no particular cause has been universally identified as causing an episode which can last for three days.

Causes of Migraine

Current medical thought is that there is a mis-firing or miscommunication of neurons between the different parts of the human brain.

This results in the release of particular neuro-chemicals which cause irritation in the brain-stem as well as platelet aggregation in the principal venous vessels.

Another clue is that serotonin deficiency can cause migraines.
Serotonin balance in the brain is entirely magnesium dependant. Magnesium, when used symptomatically on the back of the neck/base of the skull, relieves the inflammation and disperses the platelet aggregation.
This is if it is caught early enough.

Read through the FaceBook comments to see the hundreds of happy comments from those who no longer struggle with this disease.



Further reading:

Medical references below (intended for educational purposes regarding magnesium and not specifically about this product.)

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