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April 01, 2020 3 min read

It’s time to meet your teachers! If you’ve been tuning in each morning to our daily yoga class, you would already be familiar with your teachers Lee and Uma Harold. Not only did the pair found Amazing Oils, but they also founded Australia’s LARGEST yoga school some 20+ years ago in Western Australia.

We chatted to them about their journey into the practice, the benefits of yoga, and some tips to make it through this strange time.

Can you begin by sharing your story on how you both first got involved in the yoga and wellness space?

From the age of five, Uma practised dance and ballet, which led to her being in the WA Ballet Academy. Whilst at University studying Teaching she majored in Health and Psychology. Lee was a former world dance champion from London and included Princess Margaret amongst his fans!
It was after Lee had a terrible car crash that the enthusiasm for wellbeing, yoga and meditation really took root. His initial prognosis was that he would never walk again. Whilst recuperating from the accident Lee studied ways both ancient and modern of moving the body that brought about healing and repair. Together they used this knowledge to found Australia’s largest yoga school.

What are some of the health benefits of yoga?

The benefits of yoga are endless! Some of the top benefits include:

    • Overall wellbeing due to the releasing of habitually held tension in both mind and body. 
    • Prevention of physical injuries due to the releasing of all major muscle groups and increased flexibility.
    • Helps maintain a balanced metabolism
    • Reduces weight
    • Improves posture
    • Prevents wear on the major joints
    • Strengthens the immune system 
    • Increases blood flow
    • Lowers blood pressure
    • Balances adrenal function by lowering cortisol (the ageing hormone)
    • Lowers blood sugar levels
    • Aids in improving mental focus
    • Balances the CNS central nervous system
    • Offers inner strength 

In your online classes, you often discuss breathing. Can you tell us more about the relationship between breath and yoga?

    In Yoga, breath is the key. It is the key to reducing stress, and quieting your mind. When we experience trauma, rejection or anything similar, there is the potential to ‘shut off ‘ both our awareness of these, and a subtle part of the natural breath.

    In yoga we put ourselves in…unusual positions in order to bring awareness to the parts we have ignored for so long. It is the breath which unlocks the key which holds those places in isolation or confinement. In the science of meditation, the mind and breath are not necessarily two separate things. They reflect each other. Changing the habitual patterns of mind is a difficult task. Changing your breathing is easy.

    What are some breathing tips or techniques one could do to calm the mind and relieve stress?

    In through the nose, out through the mouth. Repeat ten times. Count your breaths up to the count of ten. Start again.

    For everyone at home, do you have any advice for self-care over the next few weeks?:

      • Get into some good habits
      • Reduce your coffee intake
      • Be unusually kind 
      • Practice patience with those around you
      • Move your body - any type of exercise; yoga, walking, star jumps, anything. Put some music on and dance around the lounge room!
      • Remember, we're all in this together! 

    You can watch Lee and Uma every morning for their live yoga class at the times listed below. You can catch up on missed classes, or sign up to get daily rollcall reminders by clicking through on the image below.