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June 01, 2020 4 min read


Embracing winter can be tough. Chilly temperatures, dry air, dark nights… now is the time to prepare your arsenal of winter rituals.

Need inspiration? We've prepared seven rituals to help boost your immune system, adapt to the cold, and winter-proof your home. Take note:

1. Invest in some candles.

Although summer sees sunshine-filled days that extend well into the night, winter is less forgiving. As you find yourself reaching for the light switch earlier in the day, try switching to candles when it’s closer to bedtime. With harsh household lights disrupting your natural melatonin, candles are a softer option to not only set the mood for a relaxing environment but they also help to send signals to the brain that it’s time to wind down.


In the cooler weather, muscles and joints tend to be a little stiffer, so a warm bath is an essential part of your routine to loosen muscles and soothe any aches and pains.


2. Feeling stiff? It's time for a bath.

Is there anything better than a hot bath to soothe sore muscles or an aching body? In the cooler weather, muscles and joints tend to be a little stiffer, so a warm bath is an essential part of your routine to loosen muscles and soothe any aches and pains. Make sure you’re adding Magnesium Flakes to help with relaxation, ease muscle tension, and soothe damaged or dry skin.

As much as we love our bath time, sometimes our self-care rituals need to fit into our busiest days. If you don't have a bath, try adding magnesium to a foot bath to can the same effects.

3. Load up on immune-boosting foods.

While comfort foods might be tempting, it’s important to be fuelling your body with immune-boosting foods that will keep the body healthy and strong. To keep toasty throughout the season, consider a winter menu of warming soups, herbal teas, and fruit and veggies rich with vitamins. Tumeric, walnuts, garlic, greens, just to name a few. Check out the full listhere.

For some of our favourite irresistible winter soup recipes, head toBody and Soul.

4. Keep moving.

With the days getting shorter and darker, it may be tempting to skip the workout in favour of snuggling up in bed - but it’s time to keep moving. A study by theMedicine & Science in Sports & Exercise journal has shown that regular brisk walking increases the circulation of white blood cells. The main purpose of these immune cells is to kill any sickness-causing pathogens.To keep your immune cells in good working order, moods elevated and energy levels high, try switching your winter for a more winter-friendly one.

Skip the commute to the gym and try your workout at home instead, warming up by walking around the block before moving into bodyweight exercises. If you favour walking, try exercising in the morning to maximise your exposure to daylight. To balance out your routine, make sure you are incorporating slower exercises each week such asyoga (try our Amazing yoga classes!) and stretching to help those stiff, achy joints.


Come winter it's so easy to forget your skin needs a little extra TLC. Cold weather, harsh winds, and dry indoor air can cause significant damage.


5. Up your skin game.

Come winter it's so easy to forget your skin needs a little extra TLC. Cold weather, harsh winds, and dry indoor air can cause significant damage - think tight skin, chapped lips, and a flaky and rough texture. Sounding familiar?

To prevent winter skin woes, prioritising moisture and hydration should be your go-to when the weather starts to turn. Extra exfoliation, upgrading your moisturiser, using more gentler products and avoiding hot showers should also be high on the list to keep your skin soft and hydrated all winter long.

6. Stay hydrated.

Few things are as satisfying as an ice-cold glass of water on a hot day. In winter? Not so much. Staying hydrated in winter is not only essential to the function of cells, tissues and organs, it can also give your immune system a big boost, preventing you from getting sick during the pesky cold and flu season.

Try warming up with a nice cup of hot green tea, or even hot water with lemon. These two hot beverages will keep you cosy on a chilly winter’s day, but also help you keep on pace to getting the recommended eight glasses of water a day.

7. Invest in cosy slippers.

An excuse to buy cosy slippers? Yes please! If there is ever a time to make your house a shoe-free zone, it’s winter. Not only will it reduce the amount of dirt, grime and toxins that get into your environment, but it'll cue you to slip into some cosy slippers as soon as you walk in the door. Tick and tick!