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February 26, 2019 2 min read
Aids, assists or helps in the maintenance or improvement of general well-being.
Aids or assists in the prevention of muscular cramps and spasms.
For the symptomatic relief of low back pain.
Maintain/support healthy energy levels
For relief of nerve pain/mild neuralgia.
How much is too much? What is not enough? Many of you are asking about testing your Magnesium levels. Normal blood tests can be ineffective due to the amount of Magnesium in your blood being generally less than 1%. Add to this the fact that your levels (in the blood) can go up and down dramatically within an hour. There are certain tests such as hair analysis and red blood cell RBC testing which will give a clear reading of your previous Magnesium levels.
Overall though, we feel it may be best to use common sense and your own symptomatic gauge. By that I mean (and this is what we do here at Amazing Oils) keep an awareness of any symptoms that may point to a deficiency in your Magnesium levels. Again, these symptoms can change from day to day, but it will give you a sense of what works for you and additionally will provide you with an increased awareness of your own body and mind. Do remember that it is almost impossible to overdose through the skin (although I will write about that rare possibility of Hyper-magnesia later.) I bathe in the magnesium flakes 2 times a week which keeps my body well topped-up. If I bathe less then I use the spray on my feet at night before sleep.
I know, it seems like almost everything is Magnesium related. It may well be the case. One great aspect of using the Amazing Oils is that you do not have to wait for weeks to see if it improves any of the above problems. You can rub some into your skin and know the answer quickly. If the symptom persists then at least you will know that it is not a simple dropping of your Magnesium levels and that it might be time to visit the doc. Coffee, sugar, alcohol and exercise can all lessen magnesium uptake in your body. I am not trying to be a killjoy, but if you do overindulge now and again, be aware and give yourself some extra Magnesium spray to counteract the effects and raise your levels again.
As you may already know, oral supplementation can be inefficient when compared to trans-dermal (topical) application. Using oral supplements which contain magnesium oxide means absorption can be as low as 4%! That's 96% wastage!
PubMed References regarding absorption of magnesium.
The multifaceted and widespread pathology of magnesium deficiency.