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July 09, 2020 3 min read
Sleep. You love it, you can’t live without it, but are you getting enough of it?
Turns out most of the world would benefit from a better nights sleep. If you're spending your nights tossing and turning, lying awake for hours or waking up frequently, you could be depriving your body of good, quality sleep — significantly impacting your day to day, and even your long term health. Here's how you can fix it.
Did you know Scientists recommend at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night to feel the benefits such as: anxiety relief, weight loss, improvements to skin, boosted immune system, increased productivity and even makes you happier! Welcome to the Amazing Oils sleep hub. Your go-to guide for sleep tips, tricks, routines and everything in-between to make sure you’re getting enough of the all-important sleep.
What's the importance of sleep? Hear it from the expert — Arianna Huffington.
Best-selling author, health expert and creator of Huffington Post, Arianna Huffington says her health and financial success is due to getting a good night's sleep, without it she is, ‘more reactive, less empathetic, less creative and the worst version of herself’.Even with one night of inadequate sleep, you can suffer short-term health effects including increased stress, disturbed mood and an impaired ability to concentrate. If this is the effects of only one night, imagine what weeks... months, and even years of poor sleep is doing to your body.
If you're spending the night tossing and turning, lying awake for hours and waking frequently during the night, you're not alone.
According to a recent global survey, eight in 10 adults wish they could sleep better. Despite the importance of sleep, 60 per cent of those surveyed also admitted to never actually taking steps to improve their quality of sleep. Arianna says our society is in 'a sleep deprivation crisis’ and it's not getting any better.
So why do we need sleep, how can magnesium help, and why is a nighttime routine so important?
So why do we need good sleep?
More importantly, why do we need theseven to nine hours recommended by scientists?Studies have shown that feeling energised, refreshed and clear-headed are just three of the positive effects of having a good nights sleep. And it makes sense, as sleep plays a critical role in brain function and systemic physiology, including metabolism, appetite regulation, and the functioning of immune, hormonal, and cardiovascular systems. In summary, the price of poor sleep can include poor mood, poor food choices, and overall poor health.
How can magnesium help with sleep?
You may have heard the rumours about magnesium and restful sleep, and according to medical professionals, they’re all true. Renowned sleep specialist and neurologist Dr Christopher Winter states magnesium plays an important role in plenty of bodily functions: metabolism, blood sugar regulation, bone health, and nerve and muscle function, among other things. And, no surprise, it plays a crucial role in sleep, too.
Research has shown that on sleep specifically, magnesium is associated with significant improvement in sleep time, sleep efficiency, sleep onset latency, serum cortisol concentration, serum renin, and melatonin. It also plays a role in supporting that deep, restorative sleep we all crave by maintaining healthy levels of GABA, a neurotransmitter that promotes sleep.
When the GABA receptors aren’t activated, we tend to remain tense, our thoughts race, and we lie in bed staring at the ceiling. Magnesium’s role is to activate the receptors needed to “switch off” our brains at night.
Additionally, Dr. W. Davis ran medical studies which trialled the use of magnesium chloride on 200 patients. The results were that sleep was induced rapidly and the sleep was uninterrupted. Daytime fatigue disappeared. An unexpected bonus was that anxiety and stress diminished. (W. Davis and F. Ziady, “The Role of Magnesium in Sleep,” Montreal Symposium).
The secret to waking up happier and more well-rested?
Turns out it all comes down to your nighttime routine. Those final hours before bed can directly impact the quality of your sleep - how long it takes for you to fall asleep, how well you stay asleep, and how well-rested you feel the next day. So what habits do you have before bed that are impacting your sleep?We’ve put together a five-step sleep ritual that will help you get some more of that precious shut-eye you crave each night. Stick to these, and we promise you’ll be feeling fresher and happier each morning. Check out your new routine here.
Want more sleep tips?
Our Director Lee chats about your window of sleep, healthy sleep habits, eating before bed, screen time and more. You can see all his tips here.