A delicately aromatic cake flavored with rosewater, lemon and cardamom.
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Cyclone delay: Warehouse closed until 10th March. Sorry for any inconvenience.
February 13, 2022 2 min read
A delicately aromatic cake flavored with rosewater, lemon and cardamom.
This indulgent cake is completely eggless, and uses coconut yoghurt as a substitute. Decorated with pistachios and dried rose petals, this cake is truely somethng special - and an added bonus, it is gluten free!
So what's in it?
This indulgent desserti s not only bursting with flavour, but it is also a way to get a magnesium boost through your diet!
Some ingredients containing magneisum are almond meal, coconut yoghurt and the slivered pistachios.
Why not make this for a loved one this Valentine's Day? It is the perfect special occasion cake and is sure to impress!
Gluten Free, Vegan
We hope you love this recipe as much as we did.
Be sure to tag @amazingoilsmagnesium if you choose to make it for yourselves!